ur Plays have always aimed to deliver what God has ordained us to. These are our humble efforts:
- The Heavenly Bound Train-Starring Ms. Patti LABelle, two time Grammy Winning Legend.
- Jesus Paid It All - No Charge starring Byron Hanspard, formerly a running back
for Texas Tech University and the Atlanta Falcons, as well as a Doak Walker recipient.
- Life is Short, but Heaven and Hell are Forever
- Sex... The Silent Killer starring Karen Clark-Sheard, the Stella Award winner for
gospel album of the year and a three-time Grammy nominee, as well as the late
Rodney Downey, a highly admired and dedicated Texas Tech University track
Sprinter and football wide receiver.
- RHEMA Spiritual Explosion featuring Bishop David E. Martin, founder and Pastor
of the Gospel Tabernacle Interdenominational Church and founder of Rhema Ministries Inc., Dallas, Texas.
- Life on Prison Boulevard - Upcoming divine treat!!! from Heavenly Productions Inc.